Dennis Danell, longtime guitarist for seminal punk rock band Social Distortion, died on Tuesday, February 29th

Dennis Danell, longtime guitarist for seminal punk rock band Social Distortion, died on Tuesday, February 29th. Dennis Danell, the 38-year-old guitarist for punk band Social Distortion, died of natural causes on Tuesday February 29th. Danell is survived by his wife Christie, 3 year-old son and 6 month-old daughter. Danell, a founding member of Social Distortion, enjoyed a prosperous recording career with the band since it’s inception in 1979. Over his 20 years as their guitarist and backing vocalist, Danell lent his gritty, high-octane style to the band, making him an integral link in the Social Distortion sound. With Social Distortion, Danell’s album credits include Mainliner (1981), Mommy’s Little Monster (1982), the punk rock documentary film Another State Of Mind (1982), Prison Bound (1985), Social Distortion (1990) Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell (1992) White Light, White Heat, White Trash (1996) and Live At The Roxy (1998). On break from Social Distortion since recording the live album, Danell was busy recording local Orange County bands in SD’s long time recording studio, Casbah in Fullerton. Social Distortion singer Mike Ness said, ‘I am saddened beyond any possible form of expression. Dennis and I have been friends since boyhood, starting Social Distortion while we were in high school. My deepest regrets to his family.’