The HOB Cleveland show last night was fantastic as all Social D shows tend to be. The set list from this show was very interesting in what was played and what was not. Mike and the band did the old favorites Ball and Chain, Ring of Fire, Sick Boy, Prison Bound etc. but also played two songs from the new album and played several from Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell. One of my personal favorites When She Begins to Rock was great to hear as I haven’t heard that one live maybe since the album came out. There was also a great rendition of Making Believe which isn’t often played on tour either. They put new twists on some older songs with unique versions of Down Here With the Rest of Us and Cold Feelings. It was great to hear some classic Social D songs that you’ve played a thousand times but don’t usually make the set list. The only drawback is that they didn’t play any songs from Sex, Love, and Rock and Roll. All and all a great show and Frank Turner and Lucero were both really good. Way better than some of the unfortunate acts I’ve had to suffer through as opening acts for Social D. Fantastic evening and my ears are still slightly ringing!
Show Review: 556
Mon, October 21, 2013