What a F-N AWESOME show!!!!!!! Ive been a Social D fan for ever but never was able to catch a show until Hampton Beach. Had tix to the Higher Ground show in Burlington, Vt but due to unforseen circumstances had to give up my 2 tix to some good friends who needed some Social Distortion Pure Rock n Roll blastin through their souls. My wife and I got to the Hampton show early to see the first two opening bands. MC Rut had some cool songs even though they kind of all sounded similar too me. The Strangers put on a good show, I liked it when he told the guy in the crowd who was shouting "youre not Mike Ness" that "Mike Ness aint ready for you yet btch". That was too funny. Next on was Social D. The errie Billie Holiday song comes on and the crowd knows the show is about to begin. The band comes out one at a time to a cheering crowd. As ATOM starts the intro to The Creeps, and the crowd goes crazy as Mike, Johnny, and Brent start to play, the pit starts up right in front of us and keeps going strong throughout a blistering set of old school Socail D. I dont think it really slowed much down till Bakersfield, which I think is one of the best songs the band has ever written and so is Still Alive. The set was filled with a great mix of the bands music, my wife was super excited that they played Making Believe, and I loved em all. Cant wait to hit the next show when they come back to the area and am lookin forward to the new album. You guys ROCK and put on one of the best live shows ever. ROCK ON!!!!!!
Show Review: 514
Mon, October 21, 2013