Show Review: 478

Start concert piece by Mike Ness and his family. After a brief intro came on the scene download Don t drag me down to that then was followed by the large version of the mythical Ring of Fire Johnny Cash and Reach for the sky, all coreadas by the public that almost filled the Razz. Mike Ness with black hat and dress made us bounce from the start, leaving almost no encouragement to those present. With such a start of the concert, nothing can fail. Sounded Highway 101, Bad Luck, Mommy’s Little Monster, Sick Boy, Another State of mind, and some more classic, and when we were at their mercy, they played some new songs and the room began to cool, and a Good Night in Barcelona Mike Ness, left empty stage with just 45 minutes of concert. Shortly after returning to the scene to download 3 themes, and then leaving the dressing room who want to continue listening to those in Orange County. Thanks to the insistence of the public, we are presented with a new one. Story of my life touched and Ball and chain for a grand final, leaving the concert in just an hour and a quarter long. The sound of the room left much to be desired, but sr. Ness is a master class filled with good rock and roll. Thanks to Mr. Ness not change !!!!!!! More photos in