Social D has done it again. I was in Vegas for a convention and saw they were playing @ HOB. I moved from California to small town Illinios so I don’t get to see them as much anymore so I was pumped up to see them and hear the new stuff. The new album is a great collection of some old school 70’s punk that had some blues sounds to it and some great story telling songs that Mike N. is known for. If you don’t have the new album get it. The band was great Mike is one of the best performers life that I have ever heard. I brought a buddy from Australia with me and he became a fan right away. The HOB is such a small venue that you feal like they are performing in your backyard. As a whole the concert was great Mike still has it after all these years. Keep doing what you do. Both of my kids are fans Ava-4 and Andrew-2 Thanks Mike for the great show.
Show Review: 613
Mon, October 21, 2013