Thanks for coming to Tennessee, I usually catch Atlanta shows, but i thought I’d try Knoxville. The Valarium, beer prices were reasonable, $6 for a 24oz. 24 oz anything. The crowds are getting older, but I’ll keeping acting like I am 21. Security at the Valarium were jocks that didn’t understand Social D. I was frisked. They were intimidated and overstaffed. I witnessed one security asshead in the pit pushing people. When I returned the favor, all of the sudden it wasn’t cool and I was recycled to the back of the crowd. Then I remebered it was Knoxville and wished I had gone to Atl instead. Thanks for coming and hitting the mid-level cities. Best show Hilton Head, SC 2009. Fuck Jimmy Buffett!
Show Review: 565
Mon, October 21, 2013