Show Review: 564

I hate using this analogy, but it’s the only way I can truly convey what you guy’s mean to me. Social D is my Grateful Dead. I have seen you guys more times than I can even remember. And thank Gawd I can remember the shows these days, if you know what I mean. Moving to Asheville in 07 I was afraid I was going to miss out on a lot of good Rock Roll tours that I see every year, being the hippie bastion that it is. BUT, that has not been the case. AND I am glad I was here to catch your first show in Asheville! And to hear that JR lives here now as well. He kicked ass on Ball and chain by the way! Anyway, I thank God that you are still writing and playing kick ass music! Too many of our Real Rock n Roll bands have disbanded or are dead! I have lived a very parallel life to you Mr. Ness. Being in my 40’s as well. And your words and actions have been an inspiration to me, and have helped me more than you will ever know. God Bless you Sir, and everything you have done! Cannot wait to see you next year!! Love you guys!!