First of all, Id love to thank you guys for coming down here. Your first show at Argentina was such an amazing and unique moment for us. We ve been waiting for so long to see you. The emotion in the Teatro was breathable, and when you came out to the stage I couldnt have shouted louder. I can tell that I left my lungs on that show. You couldnt have had a better idea than starting with DONT DRAG ME DOWN. The playlist was nothing less than perfect, including Ring of Fire as the 2nd song, The crowd just went crazy when you played the chords of Another State of Mind and Highway 101 but, particularly, I couldnt believe that you added Gotta Know the Rules to the list. I know that you played it on the Rock and Pop radio show but I thought "ok they are gonna play it just on the radio" and it was included on the show. You made me freakin happy with that, guys. I would love to comment about a moment, one of the most memorable ones of my life. I was so happy and excited in front of Mike Ness that I decided to write THANK YOU on each of my hands. He just read it and gifted a pick to me. The sad thing is that one of the security guys took it and gave it to some girl that he knew. The good part of it is that I will never forget some moments, as when Mike came REALLY close to my boyfriend and I and did his thing like just for us. Thank you again guys I love you all and see you tomorrow and on Sunday too! Helena.
Show Review: 529
Mon, October 21, 2013