Fantastic, perfect! I´m a 38 old punk drummer who grew up on Ramones, Creedence, The Ventures and all the good stuff. I got to know Social Distortion because of Ring Of Fire and that was enough. I just love the driving guitars and the straight powerfull drums (Marky Ramones come to mind). So imagine what it was like for me when yesterday I saw and better yet heard all the classics I listened to for more than 15 years. The energy was just magical. The place Via Funchal is very nice and the sound was really above average. I could just tell that Mike was very happy and touched by the way we were "digging" the concert. Almost every song was sung by the crowd. I had tears in my eyes on at least 3 songs. It´s just too hard to explain how a band can mean so much for "regular" people like us – the fans. Brasil will never forget this day and will probably be counting the days till the next tour here at the land of Carnaval. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! Keep Rock music alive, please. I´ll try to upload some pictures in the few next days.
Show Review: 526
Mon, October 21, 2013