My father has been a fan since later 80’s and non stop into social d and Mike, but his first concert for his favorite band was at the croc on friday oct. 16th. and he loved it, he didnt get to be as close as i was, which bothered him, considering he is into the rod culture, and born exactly one week apart from mike in 1962, he really had a great time, this is also my favorite band, soemthign my father passed on to me, and they played a great show in allentown pa, which is a very small stage, but Mike and social D, never let us down as fans yet, and thank you for a great show, the best night for me and my father, which we also shared with my 2 friends, and many great new people i met, so thank you, from the very front row of the crock, -andy .w.
Show Review: 515
Mon, October 21, 2013