I was introduced to Social D by my older borther I was a huge fan right from the start I was in 6th grade and I was in love with this band! Unfortunately this show was the first time that I was able to see Social Distortion for reasons like my mom was a single mom who didn’t make enough money to give us money for shows and my older brother thinking that punk shows were too violent for his little sister. I had to go I came home from school and KROQ was playing song after song of Social D and I got a bad feeling. Then the dj came on the radio and announced the passing of Dennis, I cried and cried like I had lost a friend of my own. I had to be at this show. I was able to get the money for the ticket and I was not disappointed. It was an emotional show but amazing. I weeped when Mike Ness came on stage with Dennis’s family and then again when he sung "when the Angel’s Sing" solo. I am now 26 not a 15 year old girl and have since seen Social Distortion 33 times it is like they are a drug that I am addicted to. I plan to see them in Jan. 2011 when they come back to So Cal. I love it!
Show Review: 457
Mon, October 21, 2013